“Keywords” may be key to problems…


I recently looked up “keywords” that business people searched most often in Google.  I was surprised at the words that didn’t land near the top.  Here are two that left me scratching my head:

Strategy – apparently not a lot of focus on strategy these days.  Maybe we’re all just hanging on, waiting for the recession to end — for real.  “How can you set a strategy when things are so uncertain,” I’ve heard people ask.  I guess my question would be “how can you NOT?”

Profit – now, I thought this was what kept businesses going, but maybe that’s just the CPA in me talking.  Maximizing profit is a key to long-term business success.  Whether it’s driven by increasing sales or decreasing expenses, the equation is one that requires attention–in every economic cycle. 

Two that DID hit the top of the list were “business loans”  and “cash flow.”  I understand that “cash is king,” but perhaps we need to spend more time and attention on the generators of cash (strategy and profit) so that we have more cash to manage.

One keyword that wasn’t a surprise at the top of the list was “business success.”  That’s what we all want, right?  At the Business Success Institute, we provide practical information to help you achieve that.  We also know the value of sharing with one another, and we hope that’s what will happen with this blog site.  Share your comments–we want to know what you’re thinking.

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